Sunday, May 8, 2011
Historical Overview
Historical Overview Of The Cold War (Berlin Wall)
By the 1960 there were some differences between Communism and Western Democracy. The West Germany rebuilt it self quikly after the war. These people in the west were living under a capitalist and democratic government. in West Germany factories were producing products that were sold througout the world the workers earned good wages and they enjoy one of the highest standars of living in the world. East Germany was living under Communist rule that was less succesful for the people living there. while the West was reciving a good education and free health care they would not earned good wages and the consumer goods were not enough for the people living in the East. Also these people were not enjoyed freedom as the neighbors in the West. This event led poeple to left the East and scape to the West to better life and work between 1949 and 1961 like three millon East Germans had move to the West some of this people were professional people for example in 1960 about 688 doctors, 296 dentists, and 2,648 engineers cross to the West.
After that the East authorities had replace the barbed wire whit walls and also they built towers were they put Machine Gunes and if anyone try to cross the wall would be shot. the wall is know as the Berlin Wall this became a symbol of a dive world this wall was used to dive the East German ruled by Stanlin his idea was to sperad the communism worldwide. The West side was occupied by the Allies. The Berlin Wall was 11 feet tall and they put machine guns on it and also they put guard dogs and they make holes on the earth that way trucks can not go through. Not even that stop people to move to the West they climbed the wall and they put in risk their lifes just to make it to the West and have freedom a better job and life.

Joseph Stalin & John F. Kennedy During the Cold War

Joseph Stanlin was the leader of Russia during the Cold War. Stanlin become the undisputed leader of Russia in 1929. The plan of Stanlin was to spread the communism worldwide. Germany was divided in four parts each of these zones belong to the main Allies.West Germany and East Germany the East wasoccuped by the Soviet and the West by the Allies, later the Allies decide to join their areas togather and to make the undified area more prosperous. Stalin was worried because this will make the Soviet look poor and he did not have the money to rebuilt it up he also want to have control of Berlin because it was contrled by the Allies even it was located in East Germany where Stalin had controlled. After that Stalin wanted to give up these zones and he decide to cut everything roads, water, and rail this was his plan but the Allies start to fly supplies in to the city if Stalin want to prevent that he had to shoot the planes that carry supplis for the people in the city.

John F. Kennedy was the persident of the United States during the Cold War. President Kennedy went tovisit Berlin to challenge the Soviet Union and also to bring hope to those people of the divided city. The allies power dicide to dive Germany in two zones the East and the West. The East was occupied by Gemany and the West was occupied by the allies Britain, U.S., France and the Soviet Union. The money that the allies put to rebuilt these zones made west Germany more prosperous, with a higher wages and higher standard of living. From 1949 to 1961 there is anstimate that two millon people left East Germany to live and work in the west. In 1960 for example 688 doctors, 296 dentist, and 2,648 engineers crossed over to work there. Kennedy flew to West Berlin to make sure that the people living there know that he would not allow them to fall under Communist control like the East Germany.